Find All Flags Tour (Saturday July 25 – Sunday August 2)
As an alternative to the Pride Walk, you can walk independently from the Homomonument at the Westerkerk. The 5 km route takes you past all kinds of places in Amsterdam that are important for the LGBT + community. Along the 5-kilometer route, QR codes will explain the stories behind each location.
Supernature Serving Pride (Saturday August 1)
Queer community Supernature presents a special Pride party in the courtyard of Lofi. Music, art, performances, food, and inclusivity all come together during this festivity.

Roze Filmdagen Redux (first screening Saturday July 25)
The ‚Roze Filmdagen‘ (pink film days) have been a constact factor in the Amsterdam gay and lesbian scene since 1996. The LGBTQ-film festival normally takes place in March at the Westergas and Het Ketelhuis in Amsterdam. This „catch-up festival“ will be smaller and different than usual, but that doesn’t mean the movie selections are less interesting.
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Queer The Stage (Wednesday July 29 & Thursday July 30)
What happens if you let go of the fixed, traditional roles in classical theatrical literature? With this question in mind, a collective of queer theatre-makers started to work on a performance. For their first project, they made an adaptation of „The Gull“ by Anton Chekhov.
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Online Pride in Oost (Wednesday July 29)
Every year the diversity of Amsterdam East is being celebrated with a Pride event on Java Square. This year the physical event is canceled because of COVID-19, so it will take place online via Youtube. Expect a varied programma with performances by local talents and the opportunity to meet special local residents and organizations.
Black Pride NL Protest (Saturday July 25)
In the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests around the world, Black Queer and Trans Resistance NL organizes a protest against the marginalization, stigmatization, and criminalization of (black) queer and transsexual people.
IDFA Pride Special: Welcome to Chechnya (Wednesday August 5)
In light of Pride, IDFA presents one of the most discussed documentaries of the year. ‚Welcome to Chechnya‘ tells the distressing stories of LGBTQ+ people in the ultra-conservative Russian republic of Chechnya. You follow a group of Russian activists who take an unimaginably high risk of smuggling persecuted LGBTQ+ people out of the country with the help of an international network.