Amsterdam North ranges from Industrial buildings to green areas and cute charming typical Dutch villages. Sjef has lived in the North for a few years now and enjoys the natural barrier which separates North from the rest of the city: “Once you cross the water it becomes more spacious and free”.

People say Amsterdam North is ‘up and coming’, but maybe it’s already ‘up and come’ because there are plenty of hotspots to visit. Sjef suggests renting a bike and cycling up there, so he shares a few places to make it worthwhile.
To get to know the Noorderlingen:
Van der Pek Market – Van der Pekstraat 1
The market of Noord. Mingle with the people who live here. (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday).
A literature fix:
Boekhandel over het water – Van der Pekstraat 59
Nice little bookshop.
For some rest:
Tuin van de Tolhuistuin – Tolhuisweg 3
The garden of the Tolhuistuin, to sit in peace and contemplate. This place hosts various festivals.

To see green pastures:
Durgerdam, ‘t Twiske, Broek in Waterland
Go to these little villages just outside of Amsterdam for green views, barbecuing and outdoor swimming
To drink beer and wiggle:
Oedipus Brouwerij – Gedempt Hamerkanaal 85
Amsterdam’s finest brewery. They have just opened their shed for you to go and hang out. Try the Mama and Thai Thai beer.

And of course… some Cafes:
Cafe de Ruimte – Buiksloterdijk 270
For small gigs, vegetarian food and idealism.
Cafe de Ceuvel – Korte Papaverweg 4
Tranquil place which became one of the cities new hotspots last summer.

How to get there from Volkshotel?
As Sjef recommends, rent a bike, take a map and cycle on over. You can take the (free!) ferry from Central Station across the IJ to NDSM, IJplein or Buikslotermeerplein – depending on where you want to go.
Who’s Sjef?
Sjef is one of our receptionists, originally from Rotterdam. He is a straight-forward kind of guy. Midfielder of TEDO3 and right winger in his band ‘Kleinindustrie’: “We play kind of guitar, noisy, electro things.” His ambition is to be a full time musician.

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