You’re currently working on your debut album. Can you already tell us something about it?
“I can’t really go into specifics since I don’t want to give away the concept or train of thoughts around it yet. I don’t think of the word ”album” lightly since it’s going to be my first full body of work and hence why I waited so long, but I’m working hard on it and hopefully you get to enjoy it this year.”
Why did you decide to stay in one of our studios for two weeks?
“I have been living nomadic since august 2022, meaning I dont have a house or base. I’ve been travelling a lot and staying in airbnb’s, hotels, in a tour bus at family and my friends’ couches. It’s been an amazing experience so far, but also hectic and it doesn’t always allow me to be by myself, reflect and create without distraction. I really wanted to be in 1 steady place for two weeks, to gather my thoughts and dive into the album concept and ask myself questions like; what do i want to say? What am I actually feeling now and how have I been feeling in the past 5 years since I started releasing music.”

What do your days look like at the moment?
“In the beginning I allowed myself to rest and not set an alarm, since I felt like my body needed that. So easy mornings, and doing very basic things that I wasn’t able to do for some time haha, like making myself breakfast, doing grocery shopping. So funny how simple things like that can give a sense of structure and peace. I started the week by asking myself questions and understanding which topics I wanted to tackle in my album, what’s the substance of what I feel and want to share with the world. Think of word webs, research online, I then would just go through all the 100 album demo’s that we made in the past month and try to merge the concept ideas with the rough demo’s that I had. I had my speakers and microphone setup in the studio, so it was a lot of just puzzling words and singing on the music to see what fits and doesn’t. I also took the time to listen and discover some music, understand what I liked and disliked about songs so I can translate my vision better for the album.”
Where do you mainly draw your inspiration from right now?
“Really just my life. My previous project was completely detached from my feelings because it was about technology and social media, but for this album, I really want to share my inner world, my thoughts as someone who is in her mid-twenties, and the things that I go through.”
More info: RIMON Instagram